Laura Lyn Donahue

Aug 17, 20192 min

Christmas in August

I’ve been wanting to post a new blog, but I’ve been procrastinating. I keep a reminder on my phone, but I’ve been ignoring it.

Today I came across a reflection that I wrote in January of 2018. I never published it. Reading through it, I determined that it was still relevant and true. Plus, it’s worth sharing if nothing but to applaud some of my favorite and publications.

A few weeks ago, I was reflecting on what I’d like 2018 to look like for me. Granted, it was a challenging thought process, but the fruit that I reaped in that stillness has set a course for me for the new year.

While sitting on the couch, I looked around the room. To my right, on the end table was a book I got for myself for Christmas called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up; lying next to me on the couch was a Lenten study guide that I had recently purchased. In front of me, on the coffee table, was a new copy of okra. magazine and next to that was a post card advertising Bella Grace Magazine.

With all of these elements in mind, I started thinking about what they had in common and why I had gathered them in the first place.

What dawned on me, was that I had begun surrounding myself with a collection of beautiful things. What seemingly had begun at random, actually represented a lot more depth than a simple pile of books and magazines.

I was carving a path leading me from the simple aesthetic spaces to the more profound spaces within me… the physical, spiritual, emotional, mental and more.

As I went further with my thinking, it became clear that The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up presented an opportunity to clean up my physical space. An uncluttered space encourages self-focus and takes away the distraction of what needs to be “done”, cleaned, put in its place, thrown away.

The Lenten study offered a doorway into quenching the thirst of my often-neglected and dry spiritual space. Centering your spirit opens the mind, gives clarity and often prompts revelation.

okra. magazine highlighted the area where I grew up… the South, its people and places… and provided a special perspective on my very regional space.

Bella Grace Magazine was a guide to opening to the creative, mental and emotional spaces within me. The beautiful photography, entries and unique journaling pages sparked self-reflection and self-love.

Our spaces…the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual… each a significant part of who we are. All easy to neglect when we live in the future and even experience the unnecessary anxiety of what may or may not happen.

We have been designed for presence… for the present. Beautiful spaces within encourage us to stay in the “now” and let go of the “not yet”.

Presence in all areas of our lives brings honor to the most beautiful space of all… you. The only moment you and I have is now.
