Laura Lyn Donahue

Aug 20, 20191 min

Sounds Like

What does sound do for you?

More specifically,

what sounds bring you comfort,

transport you from one space in time to another

or resonant joy, spark desire?

The sound of water is my “go to”

Ocean waves rising, cresting, cascading down and crashing into the sea and onto shore

Fresh water lakes rocking, lightly lapping, splashing against boats

Waterfalls tumbling down the side of a mountain, showering, thundering, drowning out any distraction that dares to compete

The sound of my mother’s voice on the other end of the line, on my voicemail, in person and lovely—safe

The laughter of my children, especially from home but just as necessary, desired—coveted—as from afar

My husband’s “Hello” when he returns home at the end of the day

The rhythmic rise and fall of my Chocolate Lab‘s breath as he sleeps next to me—content

Rain-filled skies splattering raindrops on the rooftop or showering thunderously from the heavens

Sounds stir my soul

My favorites are the ones that beckon me to stillness, peace, contemplation and connection
