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  • Writer's pictureLaura Lyn Donahue

Songs for Baby Girl

Updated: Mar 4, 2019

What do I have to say today? I don't know. So far, nothing profound. I'm ignoring the obvious. I talk about it ad nauseum in my's become glaringly so since I've begun writing every day.

Here, at home, amidst the cold drizzle outside my windows, temps hovering above freezing, Sonos humming "Songs for Baby Girl" on my Spotify playlist, in search of something that sparkles (hoping, wishing it could be snow)...the tempo of the music grabbing my attention---the lyrics, "I get to love you..." -- who's singing? Ruelle -- I don't know her, but she's a soft and lovely voice over the din of the dryer tumbling in the background...sights and sounds all around...

I get to love you... Yes! I do! I get to love my home with it's eclectic mix of antiques, keepsakes, baubles, books, cozy rooms...I get to love the view from my front porch--foggy as it may be today, it is more oft the most beautiful spot in the world...with sunsets on display---my own lookout gifts me powers for predicting the weather...I look West. It's not too hard to tell what is coming in the moments before the thunder rolls, the storm clouds gather, the sky gives way to the sinking of the sun and the radiant display of eventide...

I get to love family, my friends, strangers from afar.

I get to love...a privilege, a joy, the truth... how do I love? Let me count the ways?

Don, my prince, I do love him with all of my heart for his partnership in life, for his best-friendship ever, for his undying love and adoration for me, for his unconditional love as a father, for his fidelity and unwavering commitment to loving me...loving our family...providing for us...for being the man God created...a man to be loved and honored who loves and honors in return...

Baker, my firstborn. Oh, how I love you, the one who unknowingly began my journey into motherhood. Your blonde, curly locks covering your head, your laughter and joy...hugs, hand-holding, memory-making...I get to love you, my son, you who are confident, strong, loving and, ambitious, eager and a lover of life like few I've ever known...I get to love you... how blessed am I? Words will not do justice. You are loved deeply and fiercely, my son.

Cara, my firstborn daughter...vivacious, You are strong, resilient, confident, lovely are you my blue-eyed angel. I get to love you, watch you grow. We are confidants and allies. You are wise, a go-getter and a champion for equality in all things. Your giggles and smiles...the light in your are love. you are loved. you are my love.

after all,
I get to love

Brennan, my second are pure joy. You were born in joy, you were raised in joy, you have always shined with joy. I get to love you. We are soul-bound friends. We have shared so much real life together. You are wise beyond your years...stronger than most and authentically vulnerable...few are those who can claim the same. Your heart is open. You love well. You are loved deeply and beyond measure.

Eliza, my baby girl...home still...yay! You are a delight. You are full of compassion and understanding...your tender heart is tender in all of the right places and has a capacity for love that few are willing to acknowledge or express in themselves. Your love for the disenfranchised, the hurting and broken...the forlorn... is inspiring and life-changing. You are calm and loving. Bright. Ambitious. Strong. You are loved. I get to love you, my lucky am I?

Jordany, my I adore you...your joy, your spirit, your love for life, your tremendous growth...your "wow factor", your soft, chocolate skin and dark chocolate eyes. You, my love, are a gift...unexpected, adored. You are kind and patient. You love well and are well-loved by many. I get to love you--what tremendous joy loving you brings me.

Family, Mom & Dad, brothers, sisters-in-law...I get to love. Oh, that I would love well...not just on the sunny days, but on the days that nothing seems to sparkle and nothing seems loveable, not even myself. May my capacity for love grow, thrive, blossom and soar....


after all,

I get to love

{and so do you}

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