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  • Writer's pictureLaura Lyn Donahue

Let the Light In

I'm on a creative journey. I entered it with skepticism, but after my commitment to The Artist's Way for 8 days now, I'm actually experiencing some of my personal artistry reappear.

It's kind of wild. As Dar would say, "It's time to reframe your brain and flip the script". Honestly, bringing out anything good locked inside a person requires new thought patterns, more positive imagery and imagination, intentional self-care, paying attention, making connections and more.

What I'm gradually coming to understand by being intentional is that I can actually draw more and more out of my creative brain. I didn't realize or didnt' acknowledge how balled-up my talent for writing has been.

"It's time to reframe your brain and flip the script."

~Coach Dar

I'm paying more attention to my surroundings. New words are coming to mind...(I routinely find myself over-using the same words in desire to write poetry is slowly unwinding from its tight knit ball trapped in my head. While I haven't gotten to actually writing poetry again, I can feel it more in reach than it has been in a long while.

Taking this course one day at a time is important. Anxiety comes easily if I allow myself to think of this as a long, 12-week curriculum of "to-do's". Instead, I'm taking one moment, one day and trying to remain mindful of the doors opening in my head...ones that I closed long ago (author Julia Cameron writes about this in The Artist's Way.).

I'm feeling some giddiness in my body and butterflies in my stomach. Taking this path right here and right now is what I consider is timely for me this stage in life and at my age. I've released my self-will and am taking it from blocking the light to opening tiny doors in my brain so that the magnificence of this light can begin to shine through the closets where they have been kept hostage for far too long.

I see the reframing that Dar taught me and now it's on a specifically named growth pattern that aligns with the gifts that God has given me. I'm being given keys that open the doors in my mind so that I can rediscover artist-child who's been locked away.

As I chip at the lock and crack open the door, I'm giving her permission to take a wild, invigorating and self-revelatory trip. We will take it one day at a time.

As I learn to honor the lovely, creative child trapped inside me, I will pay attention to her, I will intentionally strive to discover new delights coming from the open doors. I will connect with my purpose and enjoy the journey.

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